Personalized Health: Getting closer to the patient

The deciphering of the human genome fifteen years ago marked a milestone in personalized medicine. Today, two large national initiatives for personalized medicine are being launched: the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) and Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT). BSSE researchers lead several PHRT projects and contribute to the sharing and usage of health-related data across Switzerland.

The Personalized Health Alliance Zurich Basel is a regional cluster which combines complementary local strengths. It involves the partners within Personalized Health Basel in addition to ETH Zurich, the University Hospital Zurich and the University of Zurich. In a bottom-up approach, the cluster is strengthening the exchange of ideas and collaboration across the clinical, scientific, and bioinformatics research groups from both cities.

In the ETH magazine ‘Globe’, proteomics pioneer Rudolf Aebersold, metabolism researcher Markus Stoffel and ETH Vice President Detlef Günther discuss which of today’s developments might have similar repercussions.

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