Cloning platform

Enlarged view: cloning platform overview
Overview of our cloning platform workflow. Automated steps marked with a blue frame. Other steps are currently performed manually, but will be automated in the future.

The cloning platform is implemented on our Tecan robotic systems T0 and T1. The platform consists of several modules, shown as arrows, which are run separately. Processes marked with a blue frame are already automated. Other processes need to be performed manually, but will be automated in the future.

Library replication

Liquid microbial libraries in 96- or 384-well format can be replicated/copied into fresh media on our robot T0. The destination plates are first filled with medium and a small volume from the source plates is transferred using plastic external page96-pin replicators. The pin replicator is cleaned after every replication step and re-used. Up to 32 plates can be processed in one run. Sample tracking is ensured through barcodes on source and destination plates and logging in our excel input sheet.

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