Open Positions

We search for highly motivated candidates to work in an inspiring multidisciplinary field that combines engineering, biophysics, cell biology and molecular biology. The candidates should have a strong background in physics, biophysics and molecular biology. They will be coached by a vibrating consortium of international experts such as needed to perform an excellent PhD project.

Postdoctoral position

PhD student positions in cellular bionanotechnology/biophysics

The Biophysics group (Prof. D. J. Müller) at the D-BSSE, ETH Zürich, offers positions for challenging PhD theses in the field of single-molecule biophysics, single-cell biophysics, molecular and cellular systems engineering, and nanoscience. In particular, we develop tools to quantatively image, maniuplate and control molecular and cellular systems, ranging from single membrane receptors to organs.

Please send your application including CV, publication list and three letters of recommendation to Prof. Daniel Müller by email (). Alternatively you may send hardcopies to the following address:

Prof. Dr. Daniel Müller
ETH Zurich, D-BSSE
Mattenstrasse 26
4058 Basel, Switzerland

  • ‘Atomic force microscopy-based mechanobiology’
    M. Krieg, G. Fläschner, D. Alsteens, B.M. Gaub, W.H. Roos, G.J.L. Wuite, H.E. Gaub, C. Gerber, Y.F. Dufrêne & D.J. Müller
    Nature Reviews Physics (2019) 1, 41-57.
  • ‘Atomic force microscopy-based characterization and design of biointerfaces’
    D. Alsteens, H.E. Gaub, R. Newton, M. Pfreundschuh, C. Gerber & D.J. Müller
    Nature Reviews Materials (2017) 2, 17008.
  • ‘Atomic force microscopy imaging modalities in molecular and cell biology’
    Y.F. Dufrêne, T. Ando, R. Garcia, D. Alsteens, D. Martinez-Martin, A. Engel, C. Gerber & D.J. Müller
    Nature Nanotechnology (2017) 12, 295-307.
  • ‘Multiparametric imaging of biological systems by force-distance curve-based AFM’
    Y.F. Dufrene, D. Martínez-Martin, I. Medalsy, D. Alsteens & D.J. Muller
    Nature Methods (2013) 10, 847-854.
  • ‘Five challenges to bringing single-molecule force spectroscopy into the living cell’
    Y.F. Dufrene, E. Evans, A. Engel, J. Helenius, H.E. Gaub & D.J. Müller
    Nature Methods (2011) 8, 123-127.


Master thesis research projects

The Biophysics group (Prof. D. J. Müller) at the D-BSSE, ETH Zürich, offers positions for challenging master theses in the field of single-molecule biophysics, single-cell biophysics and nanoscience. Particularly we develop tools to quantatively image, maniuplate and control molecular and cellular systems, ranging from single membrane receptors to organs.

Please feel free to contact for further information:

Prof. Daniel Müller
ETH Zürich
Mattenstr. 26
CH-4053 Basel


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