2016 International Global 3Rs Award ($ 5'000) to Olivier Frey and coworkers

2016 IQ Consortium and AAALAC Intemational Global 3Rs Award for region Europe to Olivier Frey and coworkers for their paper "3D spherical microtissues and microfluidic technology for multi-tissue experiments and analysis".

Enlarged view: AAALAC Award Ceremony Photo
Olivier Frey (3rd from left) at the Global 3Rs Award ceremony in Charlotteville, NC, USA.  
Enlarged view: AAALAC Logo

2016 IQ Consortium and AAALAC Intemational Global 3Rs Award for the region of Europe was given to Olivier Frey and coworkers for their scientific research paper titled "3D spherical microtissues and microfluidic technology for multi-tissue experiments and analysis", published in the Journal of Biotechnology 2015 (Vol. 205, pp. 24–35). The award ceremony took place at the AAALAC intemational meeting held in conjunction with the 67th national AALAS meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina.

external pageThe Global 3Rs Awards program recognizes significant innovative contributions toward the 3Rs of animal research (Refinement, Replacement or Reduction of animal use) by any researcher in academia or industry. Up to four Global Awards (North America, Europe, Pacific Rim, and the Rest of World) are presented including an amount of $ 5,000. Awards are given away based on a primary research paper that advances any of the 3Rs and has been published in a peer-reviewed journal in the last three years.

external pageAAALAC International (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care) is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. More than 950 companies, universities, hospitals, government agencies and other research institutions in 41 countries have earned AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating their commitment to responsible animal care and use.

The external pageIQ Consortium (Innovation and Quality) is a not-for-profit organization of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies with the mission of advancing science and technology to augment the capability of member companies to develop transformational solutions that benefit patients, regulators and the broader R&D community.

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