ERC Synergy Grant: EUR 11 million for Cancer Research

Scientists from the University of Basel, the University Hospital of Basel and the D-BSSE of ETH Zurich procured one of the much sought after Synergy Grants from the European Research Council (ERC). Their project will receive EUR 11.2 million of funding and aims at clarifying how tumors develop resistance to medication. Synergy Grants provide the highest amount of funding from the ERC.

How do tumors become resistant to cancer drugs? Four Swiss scientists are addressing this question and have joined to form a research network. With their project “Mechanisms of Evasive Resistance in Cancer” (MERiC), Prof. Michael Hall from the Biozentrum of the University of Basel, Prof. Gerhard Christofori and Prof. Markus Heim from the Department of Biomedicine also at the University of Basel and Prof. Niko Beerenwinkel from the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) from ETH Zurich in Basel were able to prevail in a Europe-wide and highly competitive selection process.

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